Born & Raised in East Saint Louis Illinois:
Yash Qaraah was born under the government name- Frederick Walker.
he is a self taught musician. also self taught music engineer/producer/composer & performer.
In the late 80's & early 90's Yash was playing a variety of instruments & producing demos for major recording companies: Like-Columbia Records/Warner Brothers/CBS records etc...
It didn't take long when Yash was offord his first recording deal, which was a demo deal. Like most in those days.
It was a total of 3 deals, which all was a slave contracts. Yash wouldn't be able to own any publishings,copyrights. All tours he wouldn't receive any royalties any publishings royalties from ASCAP or BMI etc.. He would only get advances & most of those he would have to pay back. So in a nutshell the music business is a shitty business period!
Yash, discovered indie/Independent Music: He wouldn't make much of no money but he could out right own all of his works. So Yash looked at the long road and went that route. Never joined Hollyweird, Never engaged with soul sellers. On this day & hour Yash is still being contacted on giving Hollyweird a chance. From producers,
ScreenPlays,Screen Roles etc... Yash has become an advocate for American Black Indians: Having over 20 years of Radio/Podcasting experience, 13 years of indie films making, over 25 years in the culinary foods world, self taught painter & now Yash has a new line of works in the cosmetics world. Called Yash Qaraah™Cosmetics. Yash has a network with Roku/Fire Stick TV under Qaraah Films™. Now in his 50's. Yash has nevered stop grinding. He gives all praise to YAH ELOHIM & SON YHWH BEN YHWH.